Category Archives: Leather & Vellum

At Spicer Art Conservation we preserve leather (such as saddles) and vellum items (such as maps) as well as other skin artifacts from decorative and ethnographic collections. Below are two recent projects.

Collection Storage & Environment Survey, Long Island Museum


Spicer Art Conservation, LLC surveyed the storage and environment of the collections at the Long Island Museum, in Stony Brook, NY, a renown carriage, art and history collection. The project was funded by NEH Preservation Assistant grant. During a two day site-visit all of the collection areas on LIM’s campus were surveyed. A preservation plan was prepared to update their collection storage, displays and environment.  (Read more about the storage of saddles on our blog, “Inside the Conservator’s Studio”.)

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Carriage storage and Gwen Spicer with museum staff examining historic structures on-site.