Preparing artifacts for loan or exhibit at another institution is a large undertaking. Spicer Art Conservation can help prepare and pack collections of any size for shipping across the state, the country, or across the world. We have extensive experience preparing artifacts and creating custom shipping supports for safe transportation. We work closely with fine art transportation companies, to ensure proper handling; and we can assist with the unpacking and reconditioning of the artifacts upon their return.
The exhibition (poster image above) “On the Trails of the Iroquois”, was a visiting exhibit to the National Museum of Germany in Bonn. Artifacts from three separate New York State museums travelled to Bonn and back. Spicer Art Conservation conserved many of the artifacts, assisted with packing, and performed the reconditioning of the various artifacts as they returned from Germany and were delivered back to their owning institutions.

On the smaller scale, shipping individually conserved artifacts to a client’s home, or institution is done with the same level of care. Our clients are located all across the United States and abroad. We ship artifacts via commercial carriers and fine art transporters. Care is taken to ensure that the artifacts are packed and supported in the best way during transport, so that the artifacts arrive safely. We create custom shipping boxes specifically designed to meet the needs of each artifact as it travels back to its owner or institution.